Definition from Wikipedia:
$\operatorname {Bias} _{\theta }[\,{\hat {\theta }}\,]=\operatorname {E} _{\theta }[\,{\hat {\theta }}\,]-\theta =\operatorname {E} _{\theta }[\,{\hat {\theta }}-\theta \,],$ where ${\displaystyle \operatorname {E} _{\theta }} $ denotes expected value over the distribution ${\displaystyle P(x\mid \theta )}$, i.e. averaging over all possible observations ${\displaystyle x}$ . The second equation follows since θ is measurable with respect to the conditional distribution ${\displaystyle P(x\mid \theta )} .$
Is this a general definition of bias? Because here, we are conditioning on $\theta$, so this implies that $\theta$ is a random variable, whereas in frequentist approach, we assume that the true parameter $\theta$ is fixed but unknown, so $P(x; \theta)$
Second definition I came across somewhere:
where the expectation of estimator is over the data (seen as samples from a random variable)
What does it mean in this context that expectation of estimator is over data? Could you provide exact formula for $\operatorname {E} _{\theta }[\,{\hat {\theta }}\,]$?