In the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm, one usually considers a symmetric proposal distribution:
$$ J(\theta^*|\theta^{(s)}) $$
where $\theta^*$ is a proposal point and $\theta^{(s)}$ is the accepted value at iteration $s$. The symmetry states that:
$$ J(\theta^* = \theta_b|\theta^{(s)}= \theta_a) = J(\theta^* = \theta_a|\theta^{(s)}= \theta_b) $$
An example usually stated is a Normal or Uniform distribution. My questions are:
1) the Normal and Uniform are symmetric probability density functions themselves, is this notion of "symmetry" the same as the "symmetry" above?
2) Is there an intuitive way of seeing the deeper meaning behind the symmetry formula above? Why is it needed?