The simplest model with random effects is the one-way ANOVA model with random effects, given by observations $y_{ij}$ with distributional assumptions: $$(y_{ij} \mid \mu_i) \sim_{\text{iid}} {\cal N}(\mu_i, \sigma^2_w), \quad j=1,\ldots,J,
\mu_i \sim_{\text{iid}} {\cal N}(\mu, \sigma^2_b), \quad i=1,\ldots,I.$$
Here the random effects are the $\mu_i$. They are random variables, whereas they are fixed numbers in the ANOVA model with fixed effects.
For example each of three technicians $i=1,2,3$ in a laboratory records a series of measurements, and $y_{ij}$ is the $j$-th measurement of technician $i$. Call $\mu_i$ the "true mean value" of the series generated by technician $i$; this is a slightly artificial parameter, you can see $\mu_i$ as the mean value that technician $i$ would have been obtained if he/she had recorded a huge series of measurements.
If you are interested in evaluating $\mu_1$, $\mu_2$, $\mu_3$ (for example in order to assess the bias between operators), then you have to use the ANOVA model with fixed effects.
You have to use the ANOVA model with random effects when you are interested in the variances $\sigma^2_w$ and $\sigma^2_b$ defining the model, and the total variance $\sigma^2_b+\sigma^2_w$ (see below). The variance $\sigma^2_w$ is the variance of the recordings generated by one technician (it is assumed to be the same for all technicians), and $\sigma^2_b$ is called the between-technicians variance. Maybe ideally, the technicians should be selected at random.
This model reflects the decomposition of variance formula for a data sample :
Total variance = variance of means $+$ means of intra-variances
which is reflected by the ANOVA model with random effects:
Indeed, the distribution of $y_{ij}$ is defined by its conditional distribution $(y_{ij})$ given $\mu_i$ and by the distribution of $\mu_i$. If one computes the "unconditional" distribution of $y_{ij}$ then we find $\boxed{y_{ij} \sim {\cal N}(\mu, \sigma^2_b+\sigma^2_w)}$.
See slide 24 and slide 25 here for better pictures (you have to save the pdf file to appreciate the overlays, don't watch the online version).