I am setting up a binary classification problem where if a trade is profitable it gets a 1, and if it is unprofitable, it gets a 0.
I have some independent variables, one of which is price_of_security. I have the dependent variable of trade_profit. I have data on about 20,000 such trades. I train a neural network on this data and then save the model. Next, I take 1 data point and make ten copies of it with increments of the price going down, and increments of the price going up, I hold all of the other independent variables constant. Like so:
|ticker| price|
| WTO| 216.94|
| WTO| 217.94|
| WTO| 218.94|
| WTO| 219.94|
| WTO| 220.94|
| WTO| 221.94| # This is the original price
| WTO| 222.94|
| WTO| 223.94|
| WTO| 224.94|
| WTO| 225.94|
I then put this data into my saved neural network and see if the neural network associated a lower price with a higher chance of it being a successful trade. I believe that it intuitively should associate a cheaper price with a higher chance of success and also associate higher prices with lower chances of success. My reasoning is that if the fair value of a security is 215, then my model should not recommend a buy at 220 and it should recommend a buy at 210. However, this is what the model predicts:
|ticker| price| probability_1| label|
| WTO| 216.94| 0.32| 0|
| WTO| 217.94| 0.37| 0|
| WTO| 218.94| 0.42| 0|
| WTO| 219.94| 0.44| 0|
| WTO| 220.94| 0.49| 0|
| WTO| 221.94| 0.51| 1|
| WTO| 222.94| 0.56| 1|
| WTO| 223.94| 0.57| 1|
| WTO| 224.94| 0.58| 1|
| WTO| 225.94| 0.60| 1|
The model, however, finds that higher prices are associated with a higher chance of the trade being a 1 (aka a successful trade). I am trying to understand what is going on so I did a table of all the data I have to see what the model is learning. This is the table:
| bin | num trades | ratio succes|
| 200-205 | 568| 0.85|
| 205-210 | 754| 0.79|
| 210-215 | 1200| 0.78|
| 215-220 | 4452| 0.55|
| 220-225 | 6783| 0.59|
| 225-230 | 8197| 0.68|
After a lot of thinking, I think the reason that I'm seeing the model associate a higher chance of success with a higher price is because there are so more (in total) successful trades in the higher-prices. Perhaps those trades make less money per trade, but the trained model only cares about the 0 or the 1, not about the magnitude of the profit. I think that is why I'm seeing this counter-intuitive results.
Should this experiment be set up as a regression problem rather than a classification problem?