What you are attempting to do is sometimes referred to as staggered difference-in-differences. So you have units which receive a treatment at different points in time. Your specification,
y_{it} = \alpha_i + \delta_t + \sum_{k} \gamma_k D_{ik} + \epsilon_{it}
would be one way of dealing with this, where $y_{it}$ is the outcome for country $i$ in year $t$, $\alpha_i$ and $\delta_t$ are country and year dummies, and $D_{ik}$ is an indicator which is equal to one for country $i$ adopting the policy in all $k\geq t$ periods. This is similar to the approach taken in Stevenson and Wolfers (2006) in the Quarterly Journal of Economics.
If you are interested in plotting the pre-treatment trends, you can standardize the time dimension as $m$ periods before and $g$ periods after the treatment. In this case you have a certain time window around the adoption of the policy, $(m,...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...,g)$ where $0$ is the last pre-treatment period. So your data would look something like, for example,
i t time D
1 2001 -2 0
1 2002 -1 0
1 2003 0 0
1 2004 1 1
1 2005 2 1
2 1997 -2 0
2 1998 -1 0
2 1999 0 0
2 2000 1 1
and so on. Then you can regress
y_{ij} = \alpha_i + \lambda_j + \sum_{j = m}^{-1} \pi_j T_{ij} + \sum_{j=1}^{g} \phi_{j}K_{ij} + \epsilon_{ij}
where $j = (m,...,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,...,g)$, and $T_{ij}$ are interactions of the treatment indicator (which equals one if country $i$ has ever adopted the policy) and time dummies for all periods before time $0$. Likewise $K_{ij}$ is the treatment indicator interacted with time dummies for all periods after time $0$. When you plot the $\pi_j$ and $\phi_j$, you will then get a graph like this:
Note though that this is a stylized graph. It would be a bit suspicious if ALL your $\pi_j$ are exactly zero, but ideally you should not see any significant coefficients for the treatment before time $0$ (taking into account the confidence intervals). The $\phi_j$ coefficients will then tell you how long it takes for your treatment to reach its full effect, or whether it persists/fades out after implementation.
Another recent (working) paper which uses staggered diff-in-diff and that you can consult is Gipper et al (2016). Hope this helps!