Thru this site I've recently discovered Sankey Diagrams, a great way to visualize what is happening in a traditional flow chart.
Here is a good example of a Sankey Diagram by George M. Whitesides and George W. Crabtree, Source; Don't Forget Long-Term Fundamental Research in Energy, Science 9 February 2007:Vol. 315. no. 5813, pp. 796 - 798.
After I realized that there was no Sankey R-package I found an R script online, unfortunately this script is quite raw and somewhat limited. With high hopes I asked for a Sankey R-package or a more mature function at stackoverflow, but to my surprise it seems as we do not have a mature function for building Sankey Diagrams in R.
After I posted a bounty Geek On Acid was kind enough to suggest a small hack on the existing script which made it work more or less for my specific purpose.
The improved R-script produced this diagram, Source;
But, does the lack of a R package indicate that Sankey Diagrams isn't such an amazing way to visualize attrition using R in a data flow à la the one presented in the diagram above (see initial stackoverflow question for data and R code. Maybe there's a better way to visualize attrition.
What do you think is the best way to visualize attrition in a data flow using R?