I'm currently working on an unbalanced panel data which contains 10000 + individuals and at most (at least) ten (five) years observations. A type of treatment happens to some of the individuals but at different time (multiple treatment periods), except the treatment effect, I also want to test if consequence happen before treatment (Granger test, Granger 1969). There is a reference in Mostly Harmless about this problem, also in this post with equation like this : $$ \text{Y}_{ist}=\gamma_s+\lambda_t+\sum^m_{\tau=0}\delta_{-\tau}\text{D}_{s,t-\tau}+\sum^q_{\tau=1}\delta_{+\tau}\text{D}_{s,t+\tau}+\text{X}'_{ist}\beta+\varepsilon_{ist} \tag1$$
However, it's unclear neither in the Mostly Harmless nor the reference that how to specify the second term in the equation, cause in the standard DID, we have:
$$y_{it}=\alpha_0+\alpha_1\text{Treat}_i+\alpha_2\text{After}_t+\delta(\text{Treat*After})_{it}+x'_{it}\beta+FFE+TFE+\varepsilon_{it} \tag2$$
Where Treat * After equal "D" in the first equation.
So should we include an "After" for each of the 'D' in equation (1), or something else? Or, how to construct the second term in equation (1) anyway?