Is seasonal differentiating enough?
In short, "it depends". I mean, there might be a need for more differentiating and not only seasonal. However, it is entirely possible that your time series (TS) need only one seasonal differentiating.
There is such a thing as a SARIMA(0,1,0). Consider the full ARMA (p,d,q) x (P,D,Q)[s]:
$\Phi_{P}\left(B^{s}\right) \phi_p(B) \nabla_{s}^{D} \nabla^{d} x_{t}=\Theta_{Q}\left(B^{s}\right) \theta_q(B) w_{t}$
where we define the following operators (which are like functions, that we treat as variables until we apply them in the $x_t$),
$B^{n}(x_t) = x_t - x_{t-n}$
$\Delta^d(x_t) = (1-B)^dx_t$
$\nabla_{s}^{D} x_{t}=\left(1-B^{s}\right)^{D} x_{t}$
$\phi_p(B)=1-\phi_{1} B-\phi_{2} B^{2}-\cdots-\phi_{p} B^{p}$
$\theta_q(B)=1+\theta_{1} B+\theta_{2} B^{2}+\cdots+\theta_{q} B^{q}$
$\Phi_{P}\left(B^{s}\right)=1-\Phi_{1} B^{s}-\Phi_{2} B^{2 s}-\cdots-\Phi_{P} B^{P s}$
$\Theta_{Q}\left(B^{s}\right)=1+\Theta_{1} B^{s}+\Theta_{2} B^{2 s}+\cdots+\Theta_{Q} B^{Q s}$
Setting only D = 1, and the rest of the parameters as 0, we have:
$\Delta^{1}_{s}x_t = w_t$
$x_t - x_{t-s} = w_t$
That means, that you only need to estimate the parameters from the white noise $w_t$ to know the properties of your TS.
PS: I'm, of course assuming that the expected value or mean of $x_t$ is 0. Otherwise, for the whole process change: $x_t$ to $x_t - \mu$.
How will changing to Exponential Smoothing impact my model?
A lot. It is a different model. The ETS family of models, which MA and Exp. Smooth. are one of them, have a different mindset to dealing with seasonality. In the SARIMA family we differentiate the series and add the corresponding lag parameters basically; in the ETS family they change the model structure completely.
My recommendation to you would be to compare the two approaches through a metric fit for both models, such as AIC, BIC, accuracy, etc.