These are contingency tables. In your matrix m1
, you have the counts associated with a null hypothesis in which the cell probabilities are all the same. That is somewhat different from the typical case of using a chi-squared test on a contingency table. The default test would check if the variables are independent, which is to say, does being in one row (column) make you more likely to be in a particular column (row) than being in a different row (column) would? That null is considerably less restrictive than yours, so we cannot use the default chi-squared test setup, but we can use the chi-squared test with a custom setup.
In essence, you are after a chi-squared test for goodness of fit, with a particular null specified. Thus, you just need to ask your software for that and specify the null you want. Any software should be able to do that for you; I will demonstrate this with R.
chisq.test(x=as.vector(m2), p=as.vector(m1)/sum(m1))
# Chi-squared test for given probabilities
# data: as.vector(m2)
# X-squared = 18, df = 8, p-value = 0.02123
R complains about the above test, so we can check it by simulating the p-value, instead of relying on the chi-squared distribution with 8 degrees of freedom being correct. There doesn't seem to be much problem:
chisq.test(x=as.vector(m2), p=as.vector(m1)/sum(m1), simulate.p.value=TRUE)
# Chi-squared test for given probabilities with
# simulated p-value (based on 2000 replicates)
# data: as.vector(m2)
# X-squared = 18, df = NA, p-value = 0.02449
The above gives you a test of the hypothesis that your observed matrix m2
comes from a population with the pattern specified in the expected matrix m1
. Alternatively, if both m1
and m2
are observed matrices, and you wonder if they differ from each other, you need to use a log linear model for multi-way contingency tables (I discuss this more thoroughly here: $χ^2$ of multidimensional data).
# this creates the multi-way contingency table:
tab = rep(NA, 18)
dim(tab) = c(3,3,2)
tab[,,1] = m1; tab[,,2] = m2
tab = as.table(tab)
names(dimnames(tab)) = c("row", "column", "matrix")
# , , matrix = A
# column
# row A B C
# A 3 3 3
# B 3 3 3
# C 3 3 3
# , , matrix = B
# column
# row A B C
# A 6 3 0
# B 0 6 0
# C 3 3 6
library(MASS) # we'll use this package
m.sat = loglm(~row*column*matrix, tab) # this is the saturated model
m1 = loglm(~matrix + row*column, tab) # assumes the r*c pattern is = by m
anova(m1, m.sat) # nested model test of m1 vs m.sat
# LR tests for hierarchical log-linear models
# Model 1: ~matrix + row * column
# Model 2: ~row * column * matrix
# Deviance df Delta(Dev) Delta(df) P(> Delta(Dev)
# Model 1 15.53483 8
# Model 2 0.00000 0 15.53483 8 0.04954
# Saturated 0.00000 0 0.00000 0 1.00000
Notice that this version is less powerful, because there could be sampling error in the observed m1
counts, whereas the chi-squared test above assumes those counts were specified a-priori.
Your use of the word "measure" is somewhat ambiguous to me. If you are interested in a measure of effect size (i.e., how far is m2
from the uniform), you can just take the $N$ (or more literally, $\sqrt N$) out of the chi-squared test statistic. That gives you the $\phi$ coefficient.