You're right for two neurons in series. The derivatives would be different after the first step, at least for sigmoid activation.
EDIT: I've done a quick check using Tensorflow, you can see below that it learns the autoencoder fine. I noticed that if you use batch gradient descent, and have exactly the same number of positive and negative instances, then it can't learn anything. The batch gradient is all-zero (a critical point) in that case. That might be the setting he is referring to.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.Session()
somedata = [1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0]
somedata_col = [[x] for x in somedata]
#input_data = tf.constant(somedata)
input_value = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1])
output_value = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1])
b1 = tf.Variable(0.0, name="b1")
w1 = tf.Variable([[0.0]], name="w1")
a1 = b1 + tf.matmul(input_value, w1)
z1 = tf.sigmoid(a1, name="z1")
b2 = tf.Variable(0.0, name="b2")
w2 = tf.Variable([[0.0]], name="w2")
a2 = b2 + tf.matmul(z1, w2) #tf.identity(, name="a2")
z2 = tf.sigmoid(a2, name="z2")
#cost = tf.square(a2 - output_value, name="cost")
cost = tf.reduce_sum(-output_value*tf.log(z2) - (1-output_value)*tf.log(1-z2))
fd = { input_value: somedata_col, output_value: somedata_col}
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5)
train = optimizer.minimize(cost, var_list=[b1,w1,b2,w2])
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
for step in xrange(20):
print("step", step, "weights:",[b1,w1,b2,w2])), feed_dict=fd)
print("predictions:", z2.eval(fd, session=sess))
Here is the output:
step 0 weights: [0.0, array([[ 0.]], dtype=float32), 0.0, array([[ 0.]], dtype=float32)]
step 1 weights: [0.0, array([[ 0.]], dtype=float32), -0.5, array([[-0.25]], dtype=float32)]
step 2 weights: [-0.025508083, array([[-0.1017742]], dtype=float32), -0.091870666, array([[-0.04593527]], dtype=float32)]
step 3 weights: [-0.021670617, array([[-0.1168806]], dtype=float32), -0.42096692, array([[-0.24193409]], dtype=float32)]
step 4 weights: [-0.038621157, array([[-0.21173379]], dtype=float32), -0.13332921, array([[-0.14563146]], dtype=float32)]
step 5 weights: [-0.030633193, array([[-0.26093858]], dtype=float32), -0.3320294, array([[-0.31528473]], dtype=float32)]
step 6 weights: [-0.044254888, array([[-0.37951675]], dtype=float32), -0.12732345, array([[-0.31395262]], dtype=float32)]
step 7 weights: [-0.031692233, array([[-0.4850899]], dtype=float32), -0.22682101, array([[-0.49384922]], dtype=float32)]
step 8 weights: [-0.03928249, array([[-0.65885508]], dtype=float32), -0.069601834, array([[-0.59461039]], dtype=float32)]
step 9 weights: [-0.012473229, array([[-0.84564459]], dtype=float32), -0.091074526, array([[-0.82879764]], dtype=float32)]
step 10 weights: [0.0079552941, array([[-1.09850502]], dtype=float32), 0.049069822, array([[-1.04975295]], dtype=float32)]
step 11 weights: [0.086042896, array([[-1.37198019]], dtype=float32), 0.093280971, array([[-1.374174]], dtype=float32)]
step 12 weights: [0.18385497, array([[-1.69305539]], dtype=float32), 0.2489447, array([[-1.71299231]], dtype=float32)]
step 13 weights: [0.35441414, array([[-2.02026224]], dtype=float32), 0.36500531, array([[-2.11956358]], dtype=float32)]
step 14 weights: [0.53190947, array([[-2.3695395]], dtype=float32), 0.57182026, array([[-2.52639461]], dtype=float32)]
step 15 weights: [0.74612176, array([[-2.70178413]], dtype=float32), 0.75401825, array([[-2.95842862]], dtype=float32)]
step 16 weights: [0.92347378, array([[-3.02649689]], dtype=float32), 0.98713511, array([[-3.36072731]], dtype=float32)]
step 17 weights: [1.1052706, array([[-3.31118464]], dtype=float32), 1.1785023, array([[-3.75399303]], dtype=float32)]
step 18 weights: [1.2446547, array([[-3.57015085]], dtype=float32), 1.3825138, array([[-4.10399199]], dtype=float32)]
step 19 weights: [1.3762732, array([[-3.79116011]], dtype=float32), 1.5515869, array([[-4.42910194]], dtype=float32)]
predictions: [[ 0.7950502 ]
[ 0.10589811]
[ 0.7950502 ]
[ 0.10589811]
[ 0.7950502 ]
[ 0.10589811]
[ 0.10589811]
[ 0.7950502 ]
[ 0.7950502 ]
[ 0.10589811]
[ 0.10589811]
[ 0.10589811]]