Let's say we have two models: a null model, $M_0$, and an alternative model $M_1$. The only difference between them is that, in $M_0$ one parameter is fixed at $0$ and in $M_1$, that parameter is fixed at the value that maximizes the likelihood of model $M_1$. This is a typical setup for a likelihood ratio test.
My intuition is that the better $M_0$ describes the data-generating process, and thus the less the residual variation in the fitted model, the better. By "better", I mean for a given sample size, effect size, and false positive rate, I will have more power to reject the null.
That's a bit hand-wavey. I'll make a simulation with a linear regression model.
lm_lrs_no_covar <- function(y, x) {
2*(logLik(lm(formula = y ~ x)) - logLik(lm(formula = y ~ 1)))
lm_lrs_yes_covar <- function(y, x, z) {
2*(logLik(lm(formula = y ~ x + z)) - logLik(lm(formula = y ~ z)))
n <- 1e2
num_sims <- 1e4
no_covar <- yes_covar <- rep(NA, num_sims)
for (sim_idx in 1:num_sims) {
x <- runif(n = n)
z <- runif(n = n)
y <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0.2*x + z, sd = 0.2)
yes_covar[sim_idx] <- lm_lrs_yes_covar(y = y, x = x, z = z)
no_covar[sim_idx] <- lm_lrs_no_covar(y = y, x = x)
plot(x = sort(no_covar),
y = sort(yes_covar),
type = 'l')
abline(a = 0, b = 1)
This plot shows that the LR statistic from the model with the covariate is pointwise greater than the LR statistic from the model without the covariate.
But, why, from a likelihood perspective is this so?