I have some problems with respect to the degrees of freedom of my lmer
This is the output:
lmF3<-lmer(var ~ cond + (1|subj) + (1|blocks) , data=data)
Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.12844 0.04238 2.30000 -3.031 0.0794 .
B 0.28143 0.04584 1002.20000 6.139 1.19e-09 ***
I've an unbalanced design, a total 1000 obs, 200 in condition A, 800 in condition B.
I've some doubts about the df of the model... in particular about the df of the intercept (2.3), but even of the constrast A vs B (1002.2).
I think there are some problems... but I dunno precisely what could be. Are those df plausible, or do you think something went wrong?
(and possibly also tolmerTest
; as I recall,lmer
does not itself report degrees of freedom). Note that the df reported are approximations; see for example this R-help thread. $\endgroup$