I was wondering if I am understanding the following two points correctly:
FIRST, I think a Likelihood function for $\mu$ of a normal with a known $\sigma$ can be turned into the sampling distribution of $\bar{x}$ (sample mean), only using a scaling factor (a multiplicative constant applied to likelihood function):
For example, in the below picture, Likelihood function for $\mu$ (solid blue) from 3 data points is multiplied by "67219744" and it matches the sampling distribution of $\bar{x}$ (dashed red), is this "process" correct for all kinds of MOTHER density functions or only for the NORMAL?
SECOND, if FIRST is always correct, can we say that whenever sampling dist. is SKEWED, Likelihood Function is also SKEWED in exactly the same way?
(please see my entire R code below the picture)
Here is My R code:
SIGMA = 2 # Population SIGMA known
observations = c(250, 265, 259) # observations drawn
n = length(observations) # number of observations
x_bar = mean(observations) # mean of observations
SE = SIGMA / sqrt(n) # 'S'tandard 'E'rror of the mean
x.min = x_bar - 4*SE
x.max = x_bar + 4*SE
Likelihood = function(x) sapply(lapply(x, dnorm, x = observations, SIGMA), prod)
## Sampling distribution of x_bar:
cc1 = curve(dnorm(x, x_bar, SE), from = x.min, to = x.max, col = 'blue', lwd = 3)
## Likelihood function of MU:
cc2 = curve(Likelihood, from = x.min, to = x.max, col = 'red', lwd = 3)
library(scales) ## library please install it if necessary
scale_factor = mean(rescale(cc2$y, range(cc1$y)) / cc2$y)
plot(cc1, type = "l", col = 'blue', lwd = 3) ## Sampling Dist.
lines(cc2$x, cc2$y * scale_factor, col = "red", lwd = 3, lty = 2) ## Re-sacled Likelihood