I have done 400 repetitions of a particular MCMC simulation (Metropolis–Hastings algorithm) to get a quantity of interest $N$. The simulation reaches its steady-state after ~$10^5$ iterations. The typical correlation length is around ~$10^5$ iterations too but to be on the safe side, I have used a burn-in time of $10^6$ iterations and I let the simulation run until I reach $10^7$ iterations.
I have calculated the average value for $N$ using two methods:
- By calculating the average value at the $10^{7\text{th}}$ between the 400 independent chains.
- And by calculating the average value within each chain (all values between iteration $10^6$ and iteration $10^7$)
Problem: I have performed a few checks (normality, t-tests, etc.) but the two values of $N$ are still significantly different (one is 8 times bigger).
Would someone know why this could be the case? I suppose this has to do with ergodicity, but I am clearly not sure of it because I cannot see why.