I am trying to do a correlation based feature selection for a classification model. Dataset details is given below.
Training :- 38 Samples, 7130 features. represented as T
Testing :- 34 Samples, 7130 features. represented as S
Target: 2 classes (Yes | No )
So, I need to select first 100 features highly correlated with class variable.
Here I have mentioned different approaches that I've tried, but I am not sure which approach is best. Please go through approaches given below and comment the best one.
1) Combined T and S to single table X = T + S. Let {A} be set of all features and a is an element of {A}. I calculated correlation of all a and then selected top 100 features to create a new dataset with dimension 72x100
2) I applied correlation selection on T. The selected features will be extracted from S. We get new datasets T` and S`
But, I am not sure how to do cross validation in this procedure? Please help.