I am using cross-sectional data with the following OLS model:
$$ Y_{(i,j)} = \beta_{(0)} + \beta X_{(i)} + \beta X_{(i,j)} + \beta fixed\; effects_{(j-1)} + \varepsilon_{i,j} $$
where $i$ stands for individuals and $j$ stands for groups.
In my application, I am trying to predict survey respondent's satisfaction with democracy. I have the hypothesis that satisfaction with democracy is a function of a number of individual level predictors like age, education, etc ($\beta X_{(i)}$) but also of country level characteristics, like the quality of democracy, economic inequality etc. ($\beta X_{(i,j)}$).
Initially I wanted to run hierarchical models. But unfortunately the survey was only conducted in 7 countries. Therefore I settled for country fixed effects, with standard errors clustered by country.
My question is: what happens with the upper level coefficients in my model? I thought they reflect a precise estimate and the country fixed effects pick up any remaining upper level variance, not explained by $\beta X_{(i,j)}$. However, I was not sure, and I would appreciate if someone can help interpret them.