"Conditioning" is a word from probability theory : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conditional_probability
Conditioning on C means that we are only looking at cases where C is true. "Implicitly" means that we may not be making this restriction explicit, sometimes not even aware of doing it.
The point means that, when A and B both cause C, observing a correlation between A and B in cases where C is true, does not mean there is a real relationship between A and B. It's just conditioning on C (maybe unwillingly) that creates an artificial correlation.
Let's take an example.
In a country there exists exactly two sorts of diseases, perfectly independent. Call A : "person has first disease", B : "person has second disease". Assume $P(A)=0.1$, $P(B)=0.1$.
Now any person who has one of these diseases goes to see the doctor and only then. Call C : "person goes to see the doctor". We have $C=A \text{ or } B$.
Now let's calculate a few probabilities :
- $P(C)=0.19$
- $P(A|C)=P(B|C)=\frac{0.1}{0.19}\approx 0.53$
- $P(A \text{ and } B|C)=\frac{0.01}{0.19}\approx 0.053$
- $P(A|C)P(B|C)\approx 0.28$
Clearly, when conditioned on C, $A$ and $B$ are very far from being independent. Actually, conditioned on C, $not A$ seems to "cause" $B$.
If you use the list of persons who where recorded by their doctor(s) as a data source for an analysis, then there seems to be a strong correlation between diseases $A$ and $B$. You may not be aware of the fact that your data source is actually a conditioning. This is also called a "selection bias".