I could really use some help to determine what statistical test to use in my particular case here.
I work with insects and I have two sets of individuals, a test set and a control set, on which I applied the same treatments.
The data collected is a proportion type one: for each repetition in each treatment I get a yes/no answer to the question "has it emerged?". I then compile everything in a global proportion per treatment per data set).
My treatments are elapsed time before evaluation (development time), each hour from 28h to 35h. I have n=40 for each treatments, but they are not the same individuals as we dissect them everytime.
I get this kind of results (sorry for the ugly table...) :
I'm trying to find a test to test the hypothesis that the control and the test are/arent emerging at the same time / speed.
Could anybody give me a hint about the test to use? I'm really stuck here, I praise to the stats gods to send me their avatar quick!