I have been reading several papers on using a bound on log sum of exponentials to be used in variational inference. One example of this case that can happen is in correlated topic models. Where to create simplical topic distribution, we use a logistic normal. Used in the ELBO the expression will contain a variational expectation of log sum of exponentials. However alongside the linear terms containing the parameter the optimization problem cannot be solved in closed form.
There are different bounds introduced to decouple some of the issued with this, but some require still other numerical optimization, such as Newton Raphson method. I wanted to know if there are any specific bounds that I can use that result in closed form solution.
One of these bounds is exploiting the Jensen's ineqaulity as follows: $$\mathbb{E}_{q}\Big[\ln\ \sum_{k}\exp(\theta_k)\Big]\leq \ln\ \Big( \sum_{k}\mathbb{E}_{q}\ [\exp(\theta_k)]\Big)$$ where $\theta \sim \text{Normal}(\mu,\Lambda^{-1}),$.
Others as in Blei and Lafferty 2006 use the following bound: $$\mathbb{E}_{q}\Big[\ln\ \sum_{k}exp(\theta_k)\Big]\leq \ln\ \omega +\dfrac{\sum_{k}\exp(\theta_k)-\omega}{\omega}.$$ Although useful, I was wondering if there are any ways that can help with single step closed-form solution to the optimization problem.