I am trying to sort out the likelihood function for a two-limit Tobit model (data censored from above and below).
To start off, suppose you have data censored from below at zero. The log-likelihood of the one-limit Tobit model is
$$ \text{ln} L(\beta, \sigma) = \sum_{i=1}^n \left( \underbrace{(1 - D_i)~ \text{ln}~ [ 1 - \Phi \frac{x_i \beta}{\sigma} ]}_{\text{Censored}} + \underbrace{D_i~ [\text{ln} ~\phi (\frac{y_i - x_i \beta}{\sigma}) - \text{ln}~ \sigma ]}_{\text{Uncensored}} \right) $$
where $\Phi$ and $\phi$ are the Gaussian CDF and PDF, and $D_i = 0$ if $y_i = 0$. The first brace shows the likelihood contribution of a censored observation; the second shows the likelihood contribution of an uncensored observation.
Now suppose the data are also censored from above at 20. How would $L(\beta, \sigma)$ be rewritten to capture this?
What I am thinking is $L(\beta, \sigma)$ should look like
$$ \text{ln} L(\beta, \sigma) = L_{\text{censored below}} + L_{\text{uncensored}} + L_{\text{censored above}} $$