For my research, I want to compare the effect that product pictures, product description and consumer reviews have on attitude towards the product and on purchase intention. And I want to compare that effect in the context of t-shirts and facial cream in ecommerce. Simplified, the hypothesis is (for now) that the effect is less positive on facial cream (fc).
I have measured attitude on a 7-point likert scale with 6 items and I want to perform a regression analysis. My supervisor gave me a hint with the following equation: Att = ß0 + ß1*Pic + ß2 * Descr + ß3 * Rev + ß4 * fc + ß5 Pic * fc + ß6 Descr * fc + ß7 * Rev * fc * Errorterm
Now the problem is that I am unsure how to start. Do I take the average (???) of the 6 items measuring attitude for each scenario? Also how do I construct the interaction variables?
I would be extremely grateful if someone could point me into the right direction or recommend a good source of literature (I did not find something that fits my scenario). If you need more specific info about something let me know!
I appreciate your help!