I have a dataset with the following structure:
Choice Bank Bank_x Customer Customer_x
0 UBS . 1 .
1 CS . 1 .
1 KZ . 1 .
0 VA . 1 .
0 UBS . 2 .
0 CS . 2 .
1 KZ . 2 .
0 VA . 2 .
Where choice is whether a customer would open an account in a given bank tomorrow (0 = no, 1 = yes). In the data there are a number of bank and customer specific variables.
My first thought was to use a Hierarchical logit model with bank choices nested within customers, so as to get parameters for each customer. However I am suddenly in doubt about whether this is the right choice, and I would like to hear any thougths from you guys before I settle on an approach.