I am trying to get predictions for observations from a lme object. This is supposed to be quite straightforward. Yet, since I am get different types of errors for different trials, it seems to me I am missing something. My model is the following:
model <- lme(log(child_mortality) ~ as.factor(cluster)*time +
my.new.time.one.transition.low.and.middle + ttd +
maternal_educ+ log(IHME_id_gdppc) + hiv_prev-1,
random= ~ time| country.x,
correlation=corAR1(form = ~ time),
control=lmeControl(msMaxIter = 200, msVerbose = TRUE))
It runs fine, fits the data well and the results make sense. Now to get predictions I have tried the following:
test.pred <- data.frame(time=c(10,10,10,10),country.x=c("Poland","Brazil",
cluster=c("One Transition, Middle Income","One Transition,
Middle Income","One Transition, Middle Income","Democracy,
High Income"))
> predict(model,test.pred,level=0)
Error in X %*% fixef(object) : non-conformable arguments
If I exclude, say, France, and only include countries in which cluster="OneTransition, Middle Income" then I get a different error
# create a toy data set
test.pred0 <-
z0 <-as.data.frame(cbind(my.new.time.one.transition.low.and.middle =
c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4), ttd=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0),
maternal_educ=seq(from=10.0, to=12.0, length.out=10),
IHME_id_gdppc=log(seq(from=5000, to=8000, length.out=10)),
cluster=rep("One Transition, Middle Income",10)))
z <- rbind(z0,z0,z0)
test.pred <- cbind(test.pred0,z)
# check
> time country.x my.new.time.one.transition.low.and.middle ttd
> maternal_educ IHME_id_gdppc hiv_prev
> 1 20 Poland 0 0
> 10 8.51719319141624 0.005
> 2 21 Poland 0 0
> 10.2222222222222 8.58173171255381 0.005
> 3 22 Poland 0 0
> 10.4444444444444 8.64235633437024 0.005
> 4 23 Poland 0 0
> 10.6666666666667 8.69951474821019 0.005
> 5 24 Poland 0 0
> 10.8888888888889 8.75358196948047 0.005
> 6 25 Poland 0 0
> 11.1111111111111 8.80487526386802 0.005
> cluster
> 1 One Transition, Middle Income
> 2 One Transition, Middle Income
> 3 One Transition, Middle Income
> 4 One Transition, Middle Income
> 5 One Transition, Middle Income
> 6 One Transition, Middle Income
# run the predictions
> Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]) :
> contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels
In this example, the problem is due to cluster="One Transition, Middle Income" all the time.
I don't understand why this is a problem. If I want to get predict() to work I have to include all variables from the model, right? Obviously, the input data in the model's call will not include factor set to the same values for all cases. Yet, if I want to get predictions just for subset of the data, or for new observations, I may be interested in only in cases where some factor is always set to be the same. Does it make sense? How can I get predictions in that case?
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
, and then running your code. That would prevent your originaltest.pred
from having its own factors. $\endgroup$