Does the pdf of an mvn variable even exist when there is high correlation?
I want to use an algorithm (actually it is the cross-entropy method for estimating a rare-event probability) that needs the pdf value of the mvn distribution, that is mvnpdf(x,mu,Sigma).
However, my Sigma is close to singular, meaning there is a high correlation between the variables in the vector, so it is of course difficult/impossible to find the inverse of Sigma. Is there any way to overcome this problem?
Is it not true that for instance a vector [a,b,c,d] with covariance matrix [1,1,0,0;1,1,0,0;0,0,1,1;0,0,1,1] (singular!) will behave in the exact same way as the vector [a,c] with covariance matrix [1,0;0,1] (now non-singular!), while ignoring b and c? Does this mean that I can approximate the pdf value of [a,b,c,d] by the pdf of [a,c]?
Sorry if this is answered before, I've really tried to search for it.
Thank you.
EDIT: The thing is that I want to simulate samples from a multivariate normal distribution, $x \sim N(\mu,\sigma)$, in order to find the probability that ${r(x) < 1}$, where $r(x)$ returns a positive real number based on the vector $x$. So I simulate $x_i \sim N(\mu,\Sigma), i = 1 ,..., M$, and I estimate the probability by the Monte Carlo estimate $p = (1/M)\sum_i I(r(x_i)<1)$. No problems so far. However, since ${r(x_i)<1}$ is a very rare event, I want to try importance sampling instead, simulating from the distr $N(\mu_2,\Sigma_2)$ so I need the pdf value to estimate $p = (1/M)\sum{I(r(x_i)<1) pdf_1(x_i)/pdf_2(x_i)}$.