The optimization problem that need to solve in the recursive binary splitting algorithm in regresion tree models to determine which variable expand, the one which will be have the minimum sum of the square residuals between the two regions, is formulated in the book "An introduction to Statistical Learning" (2015) as following:
"" For any j and s, we define the pair of half-planes:
$R_1(j,s) = \{X|X_j < s\}$ and $R_2(j,s) = \{X|X_, >= s\}$
and we seek the vaalue of j and s that minimize the equation
$\sum_{i:x_i\in R_1(j,s)}(y_i - \hat{y}_{R_1})^2 + \sum_{i:x_i\in R_2(j,s)}(y_i - \hat{y}_{R_2})$ "" (page 307)
How can I optimize the above formulation in order to program the algorithm?
I try with an exhaustive search of $s$ in the space defined by $[min(X_j), max(X_j)]$, so cut the plane into two halves, compute the metric, update $s$ in $\alpha$ and then repeat the process until reach the upper bound $max(X_j)$. The code in R looks like:
for (i in 1:length(var)) {
var <- X[var[i]]
min_val <- min(var)
max_val <- max(var)
s <- min_val
alpha <- 0.02
# create a vector to store the s - SRCT values
output <- vector("double", (max_val - min_val) / alpha)
j = 1
while (s <= max_val) {
half_plane <- var > s
yhat1 <- mean(y[half_plane])
yhat2 <- mean(y[!half_plane])
e1 <- y[half_plane] - yhat1
e2 <- y[!half_plane] - yhat2
SRC1 <- sum(e1 ^ 2)
SRC2 <- sum(e2 ^ 2)
# store the results
output[j] <- SRCT
names(output)[j] <- s
# update s and j
s <- s + alpha
j <- j + 1
But the immediate problems of this approach are how to define the update parameter alpha ($\alpha$) and from those $s$ that produce the same results how could determine the best $s$.