I am interested in randomly generating multivariate normal distributions (MVND) as the underlying probability function to generate instances for a data stream. I understand that to do so requires two things (i.e. a MVND is parameterized by two things):
A vector in the $n$-dimensional space representing where the MVND is centered; and
An $n \times n$ matrix representing the covariance of the distribution.
Step 1 is trivial to generate and I have no problems there. Step 2, however, presents some challenges that I am trying to overcome. At the moment I am generating random values $\in [0.0, 1.0]$ to populate the covariance matrix, $C$. From what I have found online this process is subject to the following constraints:
$C_{ii}$ is equal to the variance of the $i$th random variable;
$C$ must be symmetric: $C_{ij} = C_{ji}$; and
$C$ must be positive definite: $z^TCz > 0 \text{ } \forall \text{ non-zero column vector }z\text{ of }n\text{ real numbers}$.
Constraint 3 seems to be the trickiest one to meet and was chosen so that the MVND's density function is "non-degenerate". I have been successful generating diagonal covariances matrices (described here) where $C_{ij} = C_{ji} = 0 \text{, }\forall i\neq j$, but this is a bit of a cheat. I would like to be able to fully simulate the full range of MVND and, eventually other multivariate distributions. I would like to know, then:
Are my constraints correct?
Am I missing any constraints?