
I am interested in randomly generating multivariate normal distributions (MVND) as the underlying probability function to generate instances for a data stream. I understand that to do so requires two things (i.e. a MVND is parameterized by two things):

  1. A vector in the $n$-dimensional space representing where the MVND is centered; and

  2. An $n \times n$ matrix representing the covariance of the distribution.

Step 1 is trivial to generate and I have no problems there. Step 2, however, presents some challenges that I am trying to overcome. At the moment I am generating random values $\in [0.0, 1.0]$ to populate the covariance matrix, $C$. From what I have found online this process is subject to the following constraints:

  1. $C_{ii}$ is equal to the variance of the $i$th random variable;

  2. $C$ must be symmetric: $C_{ij} = C_{ji}$; and

  3. $C$ must be positive definite: $z^TCz > 0 \text{ } \forall \text{ non-zero column vector }z\text{ of }n\text{ real numbers}$.

Constraint 3 seems to be the trickiest one to meet and was chosen so that the MVND's density function is "non-degenerate". I have been successful generating diagonal covariances matrices (described here) where $C_{ij} = C_{ji} = 0 \text{, }\forall i\neq j$, but this is a bit of a cheat. I would like to be able to fully simulate the full range of MVND and, eventually other multivariate distributions. I would like to know, then:

Are my constraints correct?


Am I missing any constraints?


3 Answers 3


Yes, your constraints are correct (though I wouldn't really call the first one a constraint, necessarily...).

One way to generate symmetric positive semi-definite matrices is as follows: if $X \in \mathbb R^{n \times p}$, then $X X^T \in \mathbb R^{n \times n}$ is psd: $(X X^T)^T = X X^T$ so that it's symmetric, and $z^T X X^T z = \lVert X^T z \rVert^2 \ge 0$. So any way that you choose $X$ will give you a valid covariance $X X^T$, and indeed any psd matrix can be decomposed in such a way (e.g. the Cholesky decomposition).

If you choose the entries of $X$ to be iid normal, for example, you get a Wishart distribution.


Your constraints are correct. This question was asked here. The most intuitive solution is sampling from an inverse Wishart distribution.


While this does not directly answer your question, the following provides an alternative procedure to produce random numbers according to a random MVND.

Consider $n$ independent random variables distributed according to the standard normal ($\mu=0$,$\sigma=1$), $G_j$. Your can form $n$ random variables $$X_i = \mu_i +\sum_{j=1}^n\,a_{ij}\,G_j$$ where $a_{ij}$ are constants. $X_i$ are distributed according to a MVND, with covariance, $$ V_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^n a_{ik}\,a_{jk}$$ The particular MVND is defined by the choice of the elements of the matrix $A$. The full space of possible MVND is sampled with $A$ being an upper (or lower) triangle matrix.

  • $\begingroup$ He's not trying to generate MVND variates. $\endgroup$
    – Neil G
    Commented Sep 10, 2017 at 0:11
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The words "generate instances for a data stream" suggest that he might. Real friendly here. $\endgroup$
    – Dean
    Commented Sep 10, 2017 at 0:20
  • $\begingroup$ (I didn't downvote you.) $\endgroup$
    – Neil G
    Commented Sep 10, 2017 at 0:20

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