I am working on a thesis where I have panel data with company information (such as industry, earnings, etc). I am trying to replicate the methodology of a paper whereby I conduct a cross-sectional OLS regression to then estimate yhat for each section. The difference between Y and yhat (basically the residuals) is going to be the variable I need for further analysis. The regression looks as follows: $Y = b_1*A + b_2*B + e$
Now in the paper, they suggest to do the cross-sectional analysis splitting by industry, year and accounting standard. However, if I do this the resulting subsamples are extremely small (sometimes less than 10 observations). I decided not to split by industry in order to reduce the number of subsamples. The subsamples are still fairly small, some only have 10 or 12 observations. Consequently, if I run the regression, the coefficients are not significant (p>0.05). My question is: since I am merely using the coefficients to estimate the residuals, can use them even if they are not significant? Or does that make every analysis that follows (based on those residuals) illegitimate?