I am trying to understand batch size parameter in neural networks (present in keras, tensorflow and etc). Here is my understanding how neural network works. Assume we have independent vector $x = (x_1, ..., x_n )$ and dependent vector $y = (y_1, ... y_n)$. We would like to find a function s.t.: $$f(w, x_i)= y_i.$$ We do so by trying to find minimum (using gradient decent with absolute value loss function) of the following function
$$\|f(w, x_1) - y_1\|= g_1(w), $$ with respect of $w$ at some initial point $w_1$. Next step is to minimize
$$\|f(w, x_2) - y_2\|= g_2(w), $$ with respect of $w$ at some initial point $w_2=w_1+\Delta$.
Now processing each coordinate makes sense, but what are the benefit of batch processing? Assume that we would like to process $x_1$ and $x_2$ at once. Are we going to do it at some initial point $w_1$, if so, we end up with $\Delta_1$ and $\Delta_2$. Do we apply these deltas consecutively to $w_1$ or do we average them off? What am I missing? I am guessing that batch processing has something to do with programming implementation, but it does link back to above math?