You can construct a confidence interval by bootstrap sampling
First sample from your empirical distributions $X$ and $Y$ to generate populations of CDFs $\left\{(\hat F_X)_1,\dots,(\hat F_X)_n\right\}$ and $\left\{(\hat F_Y)_1,\dots,(\hat F_Y)_n\right\}$
Next sample pairs of these CDFs to compute a population of bootstrap estimates of $\hat d$: $\left\{\hat d_1,\dots,\hat d_m\right\} = \left\{\sup\left((\hat F_X)_{i_1}-(\hat F_Y)_{j_1}\right),\dots,\sup\left((\hat F_X)_{i_m}-(\hat F_Y)_{j_m}\right)\right\}$
Then compute the differences between these bootstrap estimates $\hat d_*$ and the true $\hat d$: $\{\delta_1,\dots,\delta_m\} = \{\hat d_1 - \hat d,\dots,\hat d_m - \hat d\}$
And finally construct your $\alpha$ confidence interval: $\left[\hat d-\delta_{\lceil m\cdot(1-\alpha/2)\rceil}, \hat d-\delta_{\lfloor m\cdot\alpha /2 \rfloor }\right]$
This construction is equivalent to the pivot confidence interval
Note that you will need to make your numbers of samples $n$ and $m$ sufficiently large for this confidence interval to be reliable.