Consider a 3
class data, say, Iris data.
Suppose we want do binary SVM classification for this multiclass data using Python's sklearn. So we have the following three binary classification problems: {class1, class2}, {class1, class3}, {class2, class3}
For each of the above problem, we can get classification accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score and 2x2 confusion matrix.
I have the following questions:
How to combine the results of these
binary classifiers and get a result equivalent to a multiclass classifier, i.e., how to get the final classification accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score and a 3x3 confusion matrix from above3
accuracies, precisions, recalls, f1-scores and 2x2 confusion matrices?Suppose we have
accuracies for above3
class combinations. Should I get the final accuracy asaccuracy.mean() +/- accuracy.std(),
and the same for other metrics?Or, should I first get the final 3x3 confusion matrix, and from this matrix, I should compute accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score?
How does a multiclass classification do it internally? Does it use the strategy in step-3? I am not interested in directly applying multiclass classification, but only binary classification and get the result equivalent to multiclass classification.
Now, suppose we also want to perform kFold
cross-validation with the above 3
binary classifiers. So for each fold we will have accuracies, precisions, recalls, f1-scores, and 2x2 confusion matrices. In this case, I can get the average accuracy as accuracy.mean() +/- accuracy.std().
Also, in case of kFold
cross-validation, for each binary classification problem, I can get an aggregated confusion matrix by adding 2x2 confusion matrices for each fold. I can also compute average accuracy, precision, etc. across kFolds
from this aggregated confusion matrix for each binary classifier. However, the results are slightly different than using accuracy.mean() +/- accuracy.std()
across kFolds
. I think latter is more reliable.
- How to use
cross-validation for each binary classification problem, and get the final accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score and 3x3 confusion matrix?
I will appreciate if someone could answer above questions with implementation.
Below is minimum working example. Please note that a part of it is pseudo code for loading and splitting data in into train
and test
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn import svm, datasets
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix
import time
import os
tic = time.clock()
# Import data
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =
Y =
# Now, suppose we have three separate sets {data1, target1}, {data2, target2}, {data3, target3}
# for binaray classification.
#dataset = [{data1 + data2, target1 + target2}, {data1+ data3, target1 + target3}, {data2 + data3, target2 + target3}]
for d in dataset:
#Import any pair, say, {data1 + data2, target1 + target2}. We will import 3 pairs one-by-one for 3 different binary classification problems.
#data = data1 + data2
#label = target1 + target2
K = 10 #Number of folds
for i in range(K):
kf = KFold(n_splits=K, random_state=None, shuffle=False)
cv = list(kf.split(data1))
trainIndex, testIndex = cv[i][0], cv[i][1]
trainData, testData = data.iloc[trainIndex], data.iloc[testIndex]
trainData_label, testData_label = data_labe.iloc[trainIndex], data_labe.iloc[testIndex]
# So now, we have Train, Test, Train_label, Test_label
clf = []
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf'), Train_label)
predicted_label = clf.predict(Test)
Accuracy_Score = accuracy_score(Test_label, predicted_label)
Precision_Score = precision_score(Test_label, predicted_label, average="macro")
Recall_Score = recall_score(Test_label, predicted_label, average="macro")
F1_Score = f1_score(Test_label, predicted_label, average="macro")
print('Average Accuracy: %0.2f +/- (%0.1f) %%' % (Accuracy_Score.mean()*100, Accuracy_Score.std()*100))
print('Average Precision: %0.2f +/- (%0.1f) %%' % (Precision_Score.mean()*100, Precision_Score.std()*100))
print('Average Recall: %0.2f +/- (%0.1f) %%' % (Recall_Score.mean()*100, Recall_Score.std()*100))
print('Average F1-Score: %0.2f +/- (%0.1f) %%' % (F1_Score.mean()*100, F1_Score.std()*100))
CM = confusion_matrix(Test_label, predicted_label)
toc = time.clock()
print("Total time to run the complete code = ", toc-tic)