Background: I have data on a questionnaire made up of categorical factual items. Some of them are binary and others have more than two categories.
For example:
1. Can you do painting (Yes- 1 point, No- 0 Point)
2. Do you have qualification in painting
(No - 0 point; Bachelor - 1 point; Postgraduate - 2 points)
3. Is there any painter(s) in your family (Yes- 1 point, No- 0 Point)
The questionnaire also contains conditional items. E.g., if someone chooses "No" for question 1, he or she will skip question 2 and jump to question 3.
Can I use Cronbach's alpha on a survey that contains categorical factual items?
I assume questions like these cannot be measured with Cronbach's Alpha. I can't seem to find anyone using cronbach's alpha for such questionnaire.