First, if your models are not embedded, i.e., if one is not a simplification/complexification of another, you cannot directly use the likelihood ratio test.
The simplest way to answer the first part of your question is to direct you to information criteria like Akaike's AIC, Schwarz' BIC, and Spiegelhatler's DIC. These criteria lead to a numerical comparison of models by adding to the maximal likelihood under a given model
\max_{\theta_i} L_i(\theta_i|\mathbf{x})
a penalisation term that corresponds to the "complexity" of the model. For instance,
AIC(M_i) &= 2k_i - 2\ln\{\max_{\theta_i} L_i(\theta_i|\mathbf{x})\}\\
BIC(M_i) &= 2k_i \ln(n) -2\ln\{\max_{\theta_i} L_i(\theta_i|\mathbf{x})\}\\
DIC(M_i) &= 2\hat k_i(\mathbf{x}) - 2 \mathbb{E}^{\theta_i}[\ln L(\mathbf{x}|\theta_i)|\mathbf{x}]
where $DIC(M_i)$ involves a prior distribution for each model, $\pi_i(\theta_i)$, and where $\hat k_i(\mathbf{x})$ is the estimated or effective number of parameters,
\hat k_i(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbb{E}^{\theta_i}[\ln L(\mathbf{x}|\theta_i)|\mathbf{x}] - \ln L\left(\mathbf{x}\bigg| \mathbb{E}^{\theta_i}[\theta_i |\mathbf{x}]\right)
As a Bayesian,and from a philosophical viewpoint as well, I do not have an answer to your second question! We need models (including nonparametric ones) to run the comparison. As Sherlock pounded on Watson, "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"