Let $\hat{\theta}$ be an estimator of a true parameter $\theta$. I am confused with the following (simplified) statement in a paper: $$\Pr(\lVert\hat{\theta} - \theta\rVert \leq \kappa) \geq 1 - O(T^{-\eta}),$$ where $\eta > 0$.
So how do I reed it? My guess is that as $T\to \infty$ we have that $T^{-\eta} \to 0$ and we should consider that $O(T^{-\eta})$ tends to zero. Then, I would read it as follows: as $T$ goes to infinity, the probability that difference between the estimator and the true parameter is less than any positive constant $\kappa$ goes to one.
Confusion arises also form the fact that I am not sure what $O(\cdot)$ means. Is it in terms of algorithm complexity or convergence of a sequence. So I mainly look for explanation of $O(T^{-\eta})$ term.