Problem: Im unsure if I understood Nesterov Optimization
Im writing about Nesterov Optimization, but the notation im using seems different from the references below. I have done it using some books as guides.
Would someone please clarify?
Let $\epsilon$ be the learning rate, $w$ each weight of the neural network, $\alpha$ the momentum and $E$ a loss function and considering the weights and gradients are calcualted as an unidimensional vector, the weight updates is done as below :
$n_0 = 0 $
$n_t = \alpha * n_{t-1} + \epsilon \frac{\partial E}{\partial w_t}$
And the update for each weight done as the formula below:
$\Delta_{w(t)} = \alpha_{n{t-1}} - {1 - \alpha} n_t$
What exactly is $n$ and $t$ ?