I have a data set with following structure:
a word | number of occurrence of a word in a document | a document id
How can I perform a test for normal distribution in R? Probably it is an easy question but I am a R newbie.
If I understand your question correctly, then to test if word occurrences in a set of documents follows a Normal distribution you can just use a shapiro-Wilk test and some qqplots. For example,
## Generate two data sets
## First Normal, second from a t-distribution
words1 = rnorm(100); words2 = rt(100, df=3)
## Have a look at the densities
## Perform the test
shapiro.test(words1); shapiro.test(words2)
## Plot using a qqplot
qqnorm(words1);qqline(words1, col = 2)
qqnorm(words2);qqline(words2, col = 2)
The qqplot commands give:
You can see that the second data set is clearly not Normal by the heavy tails (More Info).
In the Shapiro-Walk normality test, the p-value is large for the first data set (>.9) but very small for the second data set (<.01). This will lead you to reject the null hypothesis for the second.
shall have 1 slope and mu intercept.
Assuming your dataset is called words
and has a counts
column, you can plot the histogram to have a visualization of the distribution:
hist(words$counts, 100, col="black")
where 100 is the number of bins
You can also do a normal Q-Q plot using
Finally, you can also use the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality
Although, look at this discussion: Normality Testing: 'Essentially Useless?'
No test will show you that your data has a normal distribution - it will only be able to show you when the data is sufficiently inconsistent with a normal that you would reject the null.
But counts are not normal in any case, they're positive integers - what's the probability that an observation from a normal distribution will take a value that isn't an integer? (... that's an event of probability 1).
Why would you test for normality in this case? It's obviously untrue.
[In some cases it may not necessarily matter that you can tell your data aren't actually normal. Real data are never (or almost never) going to be actually drawn from a normal distribution.]
If you really need to do a test, the Shapiro-Wilk test (?shapiro.test
) is a good general test of normality, one that's widely used.
A more formal way of looking at the normality is by testing whether the kurtosis and skewness are significantly different from zero.
To do this, we need to get:
kurtosis.test <- function (x) {
m4 <- sum((x-mean(x))^4)/length(x)
s4 <- var(x)^2
kurt <- (m4/s4) - 3
sek <- sqrt(24/length(x))
totest <- kurt/sek
pvalue <- pt(totest,(length(x)-1))
for kurtosis, and:
skew.test <- function (x) {
m3 <- sum((x-mean(x))^3)/length(x)
s3 <- sqrt(var(x))^3
skew <- m3/s3
ses <- sqrt(6/length(x))
totest <- skew/ses
pval <- pt(totest,(length(x)-1))
for Skewness.
Both these tests are one-tailed, so you'll need to multiply the p-value by 2 to become two-tailed. If your p-value become larger than one you'll need to use 1-kurtosis.test() instead of kurtosis.test.
If you have any other questions you can email me at [email protected]
and skewness()
functions from the moments package? Results using rnorm()
samples are different.
Sep 16, 2014 at 11:18
By using the nortest
package of R, these tests can be conducted:
Perform Anderson-Darling normality test
Perform Cramér-von Mises test for normality
Perform Pearson chi-square test for normality
Perform Shapiro-Francia test for normality
Many other tests can be done by using the normtest
package. See description at
In addition to the Shapiro-Wilk test of the stats package, the nortest package (available on CRAN) provides other normality tests.
package. $\endgroup$