I'm studying methods for time series analysis, using gretl. I have this time series. I used TRAMO and X12-ARIMA to detect probable outlier, but I found nothing. So I used difference-log of first order to make the serie stationary, and I had this: It seems that there is something in the end of 2008. Infact TRAMO found a temporary change on November 2008
106 TC (11 2008)
First question: Is it possible that the series before being differentiated had no outlier and after yes? I continued the analysis, linearizing the serie, obtaining So I can begin to study the ACF and PACF TRAMO suggested me to use ARIMA(1,0,0)(0,1,1), but I found that a simple AR(1) give the same result. These are the ACF-PACF of ARIMA(1,0,0)(0,1,1) residuals: and these of AR(1) residuals Comparing AIC and BIC, theory suggests to choose the AR(1). This is the output for the ARIMA
Modello 3: ARIMA, usando le osservazioni 2001:03-2017:09 (T = 199)
Stimato usando il metodo BHHH (MV condizionale)
Variabile dipendente: (1-Ls) ld_Finla_xl
coefficiente errore std. z p-value
const 7,67509e-05 0,000137004 0,5602 0,5753
phi_1 0,307572 0,0671470 4,581 4,64e-06 ***
Theta_1 −0,765016 0,0511360 −14,96 1,33e-050 ***
Media var. dipendente 0,000170 SQM var. dipendente 0,008292
Media innovazioni 0,000046 SQM innovazioni 0,006505
Log-verosimiglianza 719,6341 Criterio di Akaike −1431,268
Criterio di Schwarz −1418,095 Hannan-Quinn −1425,937
Note: SQM = scarto quadratico medio; E.S. = errore standard
Reale Immaginario Modulo Frequenza
Radice 1 3,2513 0,0000 3,2513 0,0000
MA (stagionale)
Radice 1 1,3072 0,0000 1,3072 0,0000
this for the AR model
Modello 1: ARMA, usando le osservazioni 2000:03-2017:09 (T = 211)
Stimato usando i minimi quadrati (MV condizionale)
Variabile dipendente: ld_Finla_xl
coefficiente errore std. z p-value
const 0,000623196 0,000402829 1,547 0,1219
phi_1 0,312608 0,0644261 4,852 1,22e-06 ***
Media var. dipendente 0,000935 SQM var. dipendente 0,006078
Media innovazioni 0,000000 SQM innovazioni 0,005776
Log-verosimiglianza 789,1005 Criterio di Akaike −1574,201
Criterio di Schwarz −1567,497 Hannan-Quinn −1571,491
Note: SQM = scarto quadratico medio; E.S. = errore standard
Reale Immaginario Modulo Frequenza
Radice 1 3,1989 0,0000 3,1989 0,0000
Second question: TRAMO suggests to use seasonale difference, but from the ACF/PACF it seems that it's not necessary. I know that seasonal difference is requested when there is no stationary caused by the seasonal component. Is it true?