I have an experimental set-up that consists in studying the impact of diversity of plant mixtures on the development of invasive species. On each plot, we recorded the % cover of each species which were then split in two categories: sum of invasives and sum of sown species. The "problem" is that the total cover (invasive + sown) does not add up to 100% because of the different vegetation strata (clover under common yarrow for ex).
Total cover of invasives and sown species is always >0 and not necessarily integers. Total cover of invasives has a mean of 41% and a SD of 29%.
After some research, three solutions (if any) seem to exist to model this:
GLM with binomial distribution family (to take into account overdispersion)
GLM with quasipoisson distribution family (to take into account the fact the response is not necessarily an integer) and cover of unsown species (or total?) as a offset
GLM with gamma distribution family
According to you, what model (if any) is correct?