Following example and data are completely fabricated:
Suppose I am studying grooming behaviour in apes. I have four cages, 8 apes in each (4 females + males). For 24 hours I did an observations with aim to record the number of events when females were grooming males.
I would like to know, whether I can explain the variability of grooming events [grooming]
with these 5 characteristics of males [m_char]
(x1, x2,...x5).
My approach was to perform CCA (a.k.a. canonical correspondence analysis) as following:
my.cca <- cca(grooming ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5,
data = m_char,
scale = TRUE)
and test this model by anova to obtain p-values for factors
anova(my.cca, by="terms", permutations=1000)
# Permutation test for cca under reduced model
# Terms added sequentially (first to last)
# Permutation: free
# Number of permutations: 1000
# Model: cca(formula = grooming ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5,
# data = m_char, scale = TRUE)
# Df ChiSquare F Pr(>F)
# x1 1 0.5327 1.1054 0.718282
# x2 1 0.6216 1.2899 0.359640
# x3 1 0.6341 1.3159 0.314685
# x4 1 0.6739 1.3984 0.191808
# x5 1 0.8782 1.8225 0.008991 **
# Residual 10 4.8188
# ---
# Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Although, x5 seems to have significant effect on grooming, when I look on plot...
...apes from one cage seems to strongly group together.
I think that the structure of my data causes a problem to cca analysis, because, when you look on table with numbers of interactions...
...only zeros in yellow squares are "true" zeros (i.e. there is no interactions between apes), the rest of zeros outside yellow squares are just a consequence of being in different cage.
Is it possible to somehow tell the CCA to ignore "false zeros"? How to incorporate such data structure appropriately? My main aim is to find whether one or multiple characteristics of males can be used to explain the grooming rates.
Thank you very much for any suggestion!
"grooming" example data:
AF1 <- c(3,7,2,0,rep(0, times = 12))
AF2 <- c(8,0,0,3,rep(0, times = 12))
AF3 <- c(0,2,0,0,rep(0, times = 12))
AF4 <- c(4,0,1,0,rep(0, times = 12))
AF4 <- c(4,0,1,0,rep(0, times = 12))
BF1 <- c(rep(0, times = 4),4,1,5,0,rep(0, times = 8))
BF2 <- c(rep(0, times = 4),3,0,0,1,rep(0, times = 8))
BF3 <- c(rep(0, times = 4),0,2,0,0,rep(0, times = 8))
BF4 <- c(rep(0, times = 4),0,0,7,0,rep(0, times = 8))
CF1 <- c(rep(0, times = 8),4,0,4,0,rep(0, times = 4))
CF2 <- c(rep(0, times = 8),2,0,0,0,rep(0, times = 4))
CF3 <- c(rep(0, times = 8),0,3,0,4,rep(0, times = 4))
CF4 <- c(rep(0, times = 8),0,0,9,0,rep(0, times = 4))
DF1 <- c(rep(0, times = 12),0,2,0,0)
DF2 <- c(rep(0, times = 12),6,0,0,1)
DF3 <- c(rep(0, times = 12),0,0,1,0)
DF4 <- c(rep(0, times = 12),4,0,1,0)
male_id <- c("AM1", "AM2", "AM3", "AM4",
"BM1", "BM2", "BM3", "BM4",
"CM1", "CM2", "CM3", "CM4",
"DM1", "DM2", "DM3", "DM4")
grooming <- data.frame(AF1,AF2,AF3,AF4,
rownames(grooming) <- male_id
"m_char" example data:
x1 <- c(2,5,3,1,8,1,1,6,2,3,5,1,1,6,6,7)
x2 <- c(4,9,1,3,2,1,9,4,3,1,9,2,9,1,4,3)
x3 <- c(1,2,5,4,4,4,5,2,2,1,1,1,2,5,5,9)
x4 <- c(4,1,1,8,8,6,6,6,6,8,1,6,2,2,1,1)
x5 <- c(1,7,3,3,4,1,5,1,3,8,4,8,8,5,9,9)
m_char <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
rownames(m_char) <- male_id