I have a parametric model, some data $y$, and I would like to find a maximum likelihood estimate for the model parameters $\theta$. My usual approach would be to write down the likelihood function $\mathcal{L}(\theta\,|\,y)$ and use numerical optimization to find the optimal parameters $\theta_\mathrm{MLE}$.
However, I am having difficulty in analytically constructing $\mathcal{L}$. The PDF of $Y$ involves the sum of two random variables with different distributions, and I'm unable to evaluate the convolution integral analytically.
On the other hand, given $\theta$ I can very easily generate independent samples of $Y$, and I have a lot of computing power at my disposal. Is there a way to use these two things to obtain $\theta_\mathrm{MLE}$ without explicitly constructing the likelihood function?
For example, I could imagine fiddling with $\theta$ until the distribution of the simulated sample somehow "looks like" the observed data. With an appropriate loss function, I can run stochastic gradient descent to arrive at a $\theta^\star$ that is optimal in some sense. Is there a more rigorous formulation of this approach? Is this actually equivalent to finding the MLE?
In case it's relevant, here is the model that I'm working with. I observe a random variable $Y$ where: $$ \begin{align*} Y &= X + N \\ N &\sim \mathrm{Normal}(0,\sigma^2) \end{align*} $$ and $X$ has a probability $p$ of following a power law distribution, and probability $(1-p)$ of $X=0$, yielding a probability density $$ f_X(x) = \frac{p}{2} \frac{\alpha-1}{(|x|+1)^\alpha} + (1-p)\,\delta(x). $$ So the dimensionality is very low (univariate random variable, 3 parameters) and my data is of a reasonable size (a few hundred thousand samples).