Linearity of expectation doesn't rely on independence.
Consequently you don't require independence for $E(\bar{X})$ to equal $\mu$ (similarly for higher moments). So we just need that the expectation of $\overline{X^k}$ exists for it to equal $\mu^\prime_k$.
However if you want consistency (a property many people will expect in an estimator), you'll need that they're not "too dependent" (consider a sequence of perfectly correlated identically distributed variables, $X_1=X_2=X_3=...$ -- the variance of the average is the same as the variance of a single value -- you definitely don't have consistency there).
[There are, for example, versions of the weak law of large numbers for dependent variables with particular kinds of bounds on the covariances. (e.g. see this math.SE question).]
Now consider a couple of examples of sets of dependent variables to see that in some cases it will work okay and in others -- even with no variables being highly correlated -- it doesn't:
Take $Z\sim (0,\sigma^2), X_i\sim (0,\sigma^2)\,,\quad i=1,2,...$ (where all variables are independent with the given mean and variance, and the $X_i$ are identically distributed)
Now let $Y_i=\mu + kZ + \sqrt{1-k^2}\,X_i$ for some specific $0<k<1$.
Then $E(Y_i)=\mu$ and $\text{Var}(Y_i) = \sigma^2$.
\text{Cov}(Y_i,Y_j) &=& E[(Y_i-\mu)(Y_j-\mu)]\\
&=& E[(kZ + \sqrt{1-k^2}\,X_i)(kZ + \sqrt{1-k^2}\,X_j)]\\
and the correlation between any pair of $Y$-variables is therefore $k$.
$\text{Var}(Y_1+Y_2+...+Y_n) = (n\sigma^2 + n(n-1) k \sigma^2) $
$\text{Var}(\bar{Y}) = \sigma^2(1/n + (n-1)/n k) > k\sigma^2 $
Even though we have that $\bar{Y}$ is an unbiased estimator of $\mu$, this would not be particularly attractive because $\bar{Y}$ approaches $\mu+kZ$ -- even with a small common correlation, this estimate doesn't really improve -- once you add enough variables into the average to make the contributions of the $X$'s small, adding more variables in doesn't really help.
Now consider another set of dependent variates:
$Y_1=\mu+X_1\,,\quad$ (where the $X_i$ are defined as above)
$Y_i=\mu+k(Y_{i-1}-\mu)+X_i\,,\quad i=2,3,...$ (again for some particular $0<k<1$).
Now it turns out that we have that $E(\bar{Y})=\mu$ and $\sqrt{n}(\bar{Y}-\mu)$ has a finite variance (essentially because the correlations decrease geometrically in $|i-j|$, ultimately making it so the variance of the sum eventually grows only proportionally to $n$), so here $\bar{Y}$ makes more sense as an estimator of $\mu$ even though these variables are all correlated.