
I have a sequence of images of shape $(40,64,64,12)$. If I apply conv3d with 8 kernels having spatial extent $(3,3,3)$ without padding, how to calculate the shape of output.

If the next layer is max pooling with $(2,2,2)$, what will be the output shape?


2 Answers 2


The convolution formula is the same as in 2D and is well-described in CS231n tutorial:

$$Out = (W−F+2P)/S+1$$

... where $W$ is the input volume size, $F$ is the receptive field size, $S$ is the stride, and $P$ is the amount of zero padding used on the border. In particular, when $S=1$ and $P=0$, like in your question, it simplifies to


So, if you input the tensor $(40,64,64,12)$, ignoring the batch size, and $F=3$, then the output tensor size will be $(38, 62, 62, 8)$.

Pooling layer normally halves each spatial dimension. This corresponds to the local receptive field size F=(2, 2, 2) and stride S=(2, 2, 2). Hence, the input tensor $(38, 62, 62, 8)$ will be transformed to $(19, 31, 31, 8)$.

But you set the stride S=(1, 1, 1), it'll reduce each spatial dimension by 1: $(37, 61, 61, 8)$.

The last dimension doesn't change.

  • $\begingroup$ shouldn't the last dimension be 10, instead of 8, going by the formula? $\endgroup$
    – Srinivas
    Commented Jun 19, 2021 at 9:52

It is explained in PyTorch's documentation about nn.Conv3d

enter image description here


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