I am trying to mimic partial dependence plots as explained in R's pdp
package (https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2017/RJ-2017-016/RJ-2017-016.pdf). The second page (page 422) of the document describes a loop to calculate partial dependence for a specific variable.
I tried to mimic this on the PimaIndiansDiabetes
dataset in R, focusing on the pregnant
variable. pregnant
ranges from 0 to 17. Here's my code:
#Create 0/1 for target variable
dmy <- dummyVars(~., data=PimaIndiansDiabetes, fullRank = T)
pid <- as.data.frame(predict(dmy, PimaIndiansDiabetes))
pid$diabetes.pos <- as.factor(pid$diabetes.pos)
#Build random forest model
model <- randomForest(diabetes.pos~., data=pid, ntree=10, mtry=3)
#Create partial dependence plot for 'pregnant' using pdp package
pdp.pregnant <- partial(model, pred.var="pregnant", prob=T)
#Create partial dependence plot for 'pregnant' using pdp document methodology
pid2 <- pid
part.pregnant <- data.frame(pregnant=numeric(18), yhat=numeric(18))
for(i in 0:17){
pid2$pregnant <- i
part.pred <- as.numeric(as.character(predict(model, pid2)))
part.pregnant[i+1, 1] <- i
part.pregnant[i+1, 2] <- mean(part.pred)
#Plot both - they are different
plot(pdp.pregnant$pregnant, pdp.pregnant$yhat, type='l')
plot(part.pregnant$pregnant, part.pregnant$yhat, type='l')
As you can see, the plots are different. So my questions are: 1) Why are they different? Did I miss something in my implementation of the methodology? 2) How am I supposed to interpret the effect of pregnant
on diabetes.pos
according to the plot from the pdp
uses by defaultprob = FALSE
to use centered logit as response scale. Settingprob = TRUE
uses a probability scale. $\endgroup$prob=T
and put in the new plot. The plots are still different, in fact the are almost mirror images of each other. Does this mean thepartial
function is just treating the 0/1 prediction in the opposite way I am? Is the correct interpretation of the partial dependence of thepregnant
variable that aspregnant
goes up, the chance ofdiabetes.pos
goes up? $\endgroup$pdp
for regression problems at stats.stackexchange.com/q/50560/99938 if you're interested. $\endgroup$which.class = 2
which sets the predicted class to the 2nd factor rather than the first. they're usually ordered alphabetically. $\endgroup$