I'm trying to understand $\lambda$'s role in both the Poisson and Exponential Distributions and how it is used to find probabilities (yes, I have read the other post regarding this topic, didn't quite do it for me).
What (I think) I understand:
Poisson Distribution -
$\lambda$ is defined as the average number of successes (however "success" is defined, given problem context) per unit of time or space
PMF: $~~P(X = k;\lambda) = \frac{ \lambda^ke^{-\lambda} }{k!} $
$P(X\leq k) = P(X = 0)~+~P(X = 1)~+~P(X = 2)~+~\ldots~+~P(X = k)$
$P(X< k) = P(X = 0)~+~P(X = 1)~+~P(X = 2)~+~\ldots~+~P(X = k~-~1)$
$P(X\geq k) = 1~-~P(X<k)$
$P(X > k) = 1~-~P(X\leq k)$
Exponential Distribution -
$\lambda$ is defined as the average time/space between events (successes) that follow a Poisson Distribution
Where my understanding begins to fade:
PDF: $~~f(x; \lambda)~=~ \lambda e^{-\lambda x} $
CDF: $ P(X \leq k; \lambda)~=~1~-~e^{-\lambda x} $
$ P(X > k; \lambda) ~=~ 1 ~-~P(X \leq k; \lambda)~=~e^{-\lambda x}$
Where I think the misunderstanding lies:
As of now I'm assuming $\lambda$ can be interchanged between the two distributions. Is this the case? I have briefly read about, "re-parameterizing" and I think that might be the key, but I don't know what that process is referring to. How do I do this and how does it affect the PMF and CDF of the exponential distribution?
This all came from a problem asking: Given a random variable X that follows an exponential distribution with lambda = 3, find P(X > 8). My approach was $ e^{-3*8} $, which gives a probability that seems far too low.