(I am completely editing my post. The root question is the same, but I am now posting simulated data to illustrate my issue).
I ran (I beleive) the same model in both proc mixed and R (lmer) but have gotten slightly different results.
I have simplified my problem from a previous post. In this example, I have created a dataset that came from two sites (10 observations from each). I would like to control for site as a random effect.
Originally, I had additional fixed effects that I wanted to control for, but what was not obvious to me at the time was that the fixed effects I entered into the model uniquely identified each site. In essence, I was fitting a model that had site as both a fixed and random effect. To simplify for this post, I am simply going to fit a model that has site as both a fixed and random effect....you would never do this in practice, but I am simply illustrating how each program handles this situation.
When I run this model in R, no errors are printed and R calculates a positive/large variance for site. When I fit the same (i beleive) model in SAS, a 0 variance estimate is calculated for site. The 0 variance from SAS makes sense, since there should be no variability left over after completely controlling for site as a fixed effect.
Here is the data:
site y
1 6.67949
1 4.667
1 5.91541
1 6.72867
1 5.52195
1 5.98493
1 5.75202
1 6.99084
1 6.19884
1 7.26799
2 1.78078
2 3.68979
2 2.63699
2 3.37598
2 4.07128
2 2.90417
2 3.0458
2 4.94125
2 4.28889
2 2.88859
Here is the R code and output:
l <- lmer(y ~ (1|site) + site, data=fake_data)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: y ~ (1 | site) + site
Data: fake_data
REML criterion at convergence: 49.7
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.8662 -0.5452 -0.1016 0.7029 1.8630
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
site (Intercept) 3.7025 1.9242
Residual 0.7182 0.8475
Number of obs: 20, groups: site, 2
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 6.171 1.943 3.176
site2 -2.808 2.747 -1.022
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
site2 -0.707
Here is the SAS code and output:
proc mixed data=dat;
class site (ref=first);
model y = site/solution;
random intercept / subject=site;
Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Subject Estimate
Intercept site 0
Residual 0.7182
Fit Statistics
-2 Res Log Likelihood 49.7
AIC (Smaller is Better) 51.7
AICC (Smaller is Better) 52.0
BIC (Smaller is Better) 50.4
Solution for Fixed Effects
Effect site Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 6.1707 0.2680 0 23.03 .
site 2 -2.8084 0.3790 0 -7.41 .
site 1 0 . . . .
What is even more odd is that all other estimates are identical.
Again, this is a generalization from a real dataset. The above model has an obvious issue (you would never want to fit a term as both fixed and random)...but using R, you would not know there is a problem. SAS highlights that there is 0 variance from this model.
Many are pointing out an error message in their R output. I am not getting this error message. That is the issue! I had been running these models without any indication something was wrong. I am using: R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) RStudio Version 1.0.143 lme4_1.1-15
The model is obviously silly, but SAS gives two indications something is wrong....a 0 variance estimate and an Note about the Hessian. Currently I am getting no such error in R.
Here is the end of the output from str(l)
..@ optinfo:List of 7
.. ..$ optimizer: chr "bobyqa"
.. ..$ control :List of 1
.. .. ..$ iprint: int 0
.. ..$ derivs :List of 2
.. .. ..$ gradient: num 3.2e-10
.. .. ..$ Hessian : num [1, 1] 2.86e-06
.. ..$ conv :List of 2
.. .. ..$ opt : int 0
.. .. ..$ lme4: list()
.. ..$ feval : int 20
.. ..$ warnings : list()
.. ..$ val : num 2.27
Another update:
First, I want to say thanks for all the help and input below.
As Ben Bolker pointed out below, the number one issue is for some reason I am not getting an error message. I would like to continue working in R. Is there anything else I can run/check "manually" to be sure everything is running correctly? I was thinking maybe I could output the Hessian matrix and/or it's determinant to verify it is positive. I haven't found anything online on how to do that. All I could find is outputting the variance/covariance matrix for the fixed effects...or only the random effects.
Also, I went ahead and calculated the REML "by hand" to better wrap my head around what was the issue. The code is below, and it appears the REML function is somehow invariant to the site random effect. That is why both SAS and R produce identical output for all other covariates. Technically both sets of results are equivalent, although, to me, SAS's output is more intuitive. The 0 variance is also, as others have pointed out, the result from the ML estimation.
R code for REML function:
y <- as.matrix(fake_data['y'])
X <- cbind(rep(1, each=20),
c(rep(0, each=10), rep(1, each=10)))
calc_REML <- function(int,b,s,res,y,X){
#int = intercept, b = beta for site 2,
#s = site variance, res = residual variance,
#y = output vector, X = fixed effects design matrix
#Create Sigma Matrix
smat <- matrix(s, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
zmat <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
sig1 <- rbind(cbind(smat, zmat), cbind(zmat, smat))
sig2 <- diag(res, nrow=20, ncol=20)
sigma <- sig1 + sig2
#Create Fix effects matrix
beta <- as.matrix(c(int, b))
mu <- X %*% beta
#Calculate REML
reml <- -((20 - rankMatrix(X))/2)*log(2*pi) -
.5*log(det(sigma)) -
.5*log(det(t(X) %*% solve(sigma) %*% X)) -
.5*(t(y - mu) %*% solve(sigma) %*% (y - mu))
neg2reml <- as.numeric(-2*reml)
Output for various values of site variance:
> calc_REML(6.171,-2.808,3.7025,0.7182,y,X) #R's solution
[1] 49.72954
> calc_REML(6.171,-2.808,0, 0.7182,y,X) #SAS solution
[1] 49.72954
> calc_REML(6.171,-2.808,10000, 0.7182,y,X) #Extreme solution
[1] 49.72954
(i.e., the factory) as both a fixed effect and a random effect? And (to me) your coding of the fixed effects in both SAS and R seems a bit odd in thatNewSiteID
is already a class variable in SAS and a factor (i.e., categorical variable) in R and you don't need to add in 14 dummy variables. Why not run the following in R:lmer(ln_i ~ NewSiteID + (1 | NewSiteID:ID), data=d)
? Then the results match with SAS. And R is giving you a warning that something is off. $\endgroup$/solution
gives the estimates of the fixed effects in the "Solution for Fixed Effects" table. $\endgroup$