Looking to find geometric mean of monthly data that's been converted into quarterly data. I've tried several methods but only provide simple arithmetic mean as shown below. Thanks.
monthly <- ts(mydata,start=c(1960,1),frequency=12)
quarterly <- aggregate(monthly, nfrequency=4,mean) ---need geometric mean
This looks promising but unable to mimic the above simple arithmetic mean which considers the monthly to quarterly data transformation:
# Function to calculate the geometric mean
geometricMean <- function(array){
stop("Passed argument must be an array. Consider using sapply for data frames.")
stop("All values must be greater than zero. If you are attempting to
apply this function to rates, convert to +1 format. For example,
5% becomes 1.05 and -20% becomes .8.")
The data has been transformed into percentage change rates (month_12 - month_11 / month_11)