I generate multiple responses using a multivariate normal distribution with means of 5 and standard deviation of 2; I want ten responses and set the correlation between responses to be 0.5.
Consequently, the means and inter-response correlation are constants, which presumably satisfies the tau-equivalence assumption of the classic response theory (Lord and Novick, 1969).
When I estimate Cronbach alpha over 250 simulated subjects, it is worth approximately 0.91.
Question: what is the relation between the correlation of 0.5 and Cronbach's alpha? Can I quantify one given the other?
Using R, this can be run using:
size <- 10
mu <- 5
sigma <- 2
rho <- 0.50
# get a vector of size size with mu in it
Mus <- rep(mu, size)
# make a covariance matrix with sigma^2 on diagonal, and rho*sigma^2 off diagonal
on <- diag(size) * sigma^2
off <- (array(1, c(size,size))-diag(size)) * sigma^2 * rho
Sigma <- on + off
# estimate alpha 1000 times with independent samples
liste <- seq(1,1000)
esta <- lapply(liste, function(x) {scoreItems(rep(1,size), mvrnorm(n = 250, Mus, Sigma))$alpha} )
esta <- unlist (esta)
# you should get approximately 0.925