I'm attempting to write a simple mobile app to help colleagues triangulate the signal of transmitter-fitted animals in the field. I've been using Russell Lenth's 1981 method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (PDF: On Finding the Source of a Signal)
Basically, I start with 3+ bearings and the locations (in UTMs) they were taken from. I can iterate through solving equality 2.6 in the PDF to get the estimated location easily enough, but now I'd like to be able to calculate the area of a 95% confidence ellipse of the estimated location ($x$, $y$). Ideally, I would also like to be able to draw this confidence ellipse on a map.
However, I'm not a statistics person and despite looking up the explanations for covariance estimates and concentration parameters, I'm a bit stuck on how to tackle this problem.
From sifting through a few books on wildlife tracking, I suspect that I need to know the standard deviation of the bearings (s) (figured out through system testing, I assume?) and then I can find $\kappa$ using the following:
$A = exp[-1/2(s\pi/180)^2]$
$\kappa^{-1} = 2(1-A) + [(1-A)^{2}(0.48794-0.82905A-1.3915A^{2})]/A $
Am I on the right track so far? And if so, any hints on what my next step is? I'm guessing it has something to do with $Q$ in the PDF? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Example: Say I start with the following:
Point 1: 554045 Easting, 2813867 Northing, Bearing: 300$^{\circ}$
Point 2: 553355 Easting, 2813873 Northing, Bearing: 20$^{\circ}$
Point 3: 553207 Easting, 2814120 Northing, Bearing: 90$^{\circ}$
I believe the likelihood described in the paper is:
$L_x= -\sum\limits_{i=1}^n(y-y_i)[s_i(x-x_i)-c_i(y-y_i)]/d^3_i = 0$
$L_y= \sum\limits_{i=1}^n(x-x_i)[s_i(x-x_i)-c_i(y-y_i)]/d^3_i = 0$
$s_i = \sin \theta_i$ ($\theta$ is the bearing in radian measure and in the mathematical sense)
$c_i = \cos \theta_i$
$d_i = [(x-x_i)^{2}+(y-y_i)^{2}]^{1/2}$
I solved Equality 2.6 in the PDF (sorry, my LaTeX isn't that strong) by first ignoring the asterisks to find a starting estimate, and then using that estimate to find interim estimates of $d$, $s^*_i$, and $c^*_i$ (defined below), which were plugged into Equation 2.6 and then this was repeated until the ($x$, $y$) findings converged to a single UTM point.
$s^*_i = (y-y_i)/d^3_i$
$c^*_i = (x-x_i)/d^3_i$
$d_i = [(x-x_i)^{2}+(y-y_i)^{2}]^{1/2}$
$z_i = s_ix_i - c_iy_i$
Using this method, the bearings in the Example would converge at 553455 Northing, 2814131 Easting. I would like to now figure out what the area of the 95% confidence ellipse of the estimated location is, as well as how it would be drawn on a map.
Edit: Whoops, apparently I haven't been getting email notifications on this post. Apologies for any ignored comments. I took my problem to a colleague that pointed me to this PDF which explains error ellipses in a much more digestible way than I've seen before. I've only run through a few examples so far, but as far as I can tell, the ellipses look the way I would expect them to.