I have a customer dataset, which is a survey result. I have 1595 obs. and about 200 columns (200 because most of the cases the questions were multiple choice and we had to split it into columns). Majority of variables are categorical or binary. I do not have continuous variables at all. My task is to do customer segmentation, clustering. There is no initial assumptions although as I have also the questionnaire so can logically separate the important questions.
I face several issues regarding the modeling
- I need to validate the choice of variables i use
- I am trying to find associations, pairwise associations and trends, as I do not have initial assumtions who can be my segments
- Clustering models are not working good for categorical variables and the ones I tried for example kmods, ignore the associations, correlations and return me not clear picture.
Can you please suggest how to approach, or from where to start. I am new in data analytics and I need some hints to go on with the analysis and I will be grateful to have some guidance at least high level what can be done.