Stepwise model building is not reasonable, but is cargo cult science. The $p$-values produced from stepwise regression model building do not have the typical meaning of "probability of observing the estimate/test statistic assuming the null hypothesis is true," but rather "probability of observing the estimate/test statistic based on a series of unstated conditionals that are almost certainly predicated on some number of variables not included in the presented model."
Use stepwise regression if you want to appear to be performing meaningful statistical analysis, while providing results (estimates, "noise" variables, missing "real" variables, $p$-values, $R^{2}$, etc.) that are very likely to be biased.
Some relevant citations
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Whittingham, M., Stephens, P., Bradbury, R., and Freckleton, R. (2006). Why do we still use stepwise modelling in ecology and behaviour? Journal of Animal Ecology, 75(5):1182–1189.
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