Consider these two cases:
- Case 1: $T_1\sim\operatorname{exp}(\lambda_1)$, $T_2\sim\operatorname{exp}(\lambda_2),T_3\sim\operatorname{exp}(\lambda_3)$,
- Case 2: $T_1\sim\operatorname{exp}(\theta_1)$, $T_2\sim\operatorname{exp}(\theta_2),T_3\sim\operatorname{exp}(\theta_3)$.
We define $T_4 = \max(T_1 + T_2, T_3)$. Suppose that we want to estimate $\mu_2 = E[T_4]$, where $T_4$ is distributed according to case $2$. How can we do so using importance sampling based on a sample $T_1, \ldots, T_n$ generated from case $1$?
I want something like $$\mu_2 \approx \dfrac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^nT_{4i}\dfrac{f(T_{4i})}{q(T_{4i})}$$ where the $T_{4i}$ are generated based on the distributions from case $1$ and where $f$ is the density function of $T_4$ for case $2$ and $q$ is the density function of $T_4$ for case $1$.
Question: I know how to generate $T_{4i}$ based on case $1$, but I don't know how to figure out $f$ and $g$. How should I proceed?
Edit: As pointed out in the comments; I know that I can just use regular Monte Carlo to estimate $\mu_2$. I'm just interested in how I would use importance sampling if I wouldn't be able to simulate directly from case 2.